Featured Videos: Financial Experts
Watch and listen to what some financial experts are saying about our economy and precious metals.
This ONE Thing Might Signal the End – Robert Kiyosaki, Gerald Celente
In his testimony in early December, U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell admitted it is “probably a good time to retire” the Fed’s characterization of inflation as “transitory”—up, until that time, Powell described inflation as temporary. Today’s guest explains what happens when the Fed “takes away the crutches.”
The Best investment opportunity in 30 years Silver
This is the type of opportunity investors wait a lifetime for. There is nothing- NOTHING with the upside of silver; especially considering it cannot go to zero (like stocks ala GM). Regardless of how our economy turns out, silver will make a historic move.
Thomas Woods: Stimulus Nonsense
Meltdown author Thomas Woods sees little hope that government will turn away from stimulus nonsense.
Marc Faber: US govt will go bankrupt
The credit rating of the United States is at risk, according to ratings agency Moody’s. It’s threatened to downgrade the countrys triple ‘A’ status, if the economy grows at a slower pace than expected.
Gerald Celente – The Crash of 2010 Has Begun as Predicted
The House voted to increase to the legal debt limit to $14.3 trillion. In other words, the House voted to allow the government to go $1.9 trillion deeper in debt – or about $6,000 more for every U.S. resident.
Jim Rogers on CNBC
Jim Rogers predicts an Inflationary Holocaust and dollar Collapse.
Peter Schiff- Gold bullion vs. Numismatics
Peter discusses the difference between bullion coins and numismatic coins and says, investors want the wood, not the furniture.