Some Things to Consider Regarding Silver Prices
You have probably heard that gold and silver is a hedge against inflation.
These metals have been used as a store of wealth for about 6,000 years, but did you know that silver has some unusual qualities? Lots of people do not know it, but silver is necessary for most of the electronics, solar power panels, batteries, medical devices, and antibacterial applications used today.
Silver is an important metal because of its rarity, but it can also be used as an industrial metal as in the above list. Some have predicted that silver will become even more rare in the future.
Gold is a valuable metal too, but gold only acts as a store of wealth with very few industrial applications. So, why is silver such a terrific investment? When you consider the silver/gold ratio, silver is an absolute steal considering that historically it has taken about 15 ounces of silver to get a single ounce of gold. Right now that ratio reaches about 55 ounces of silver to an ounce of gold. So, the ratio is way out of whack and really should go lower.
Lots of experts say the silver to gold ratio ought to be about 10:1. In other words, there should be about 10 ounces of silver inside the ground for every ounce of gold. The ratio is now 55:1, which is only kept here by market manipulators. Once the manipulation ends, silver will skyrocket. Keep in mind the amount of silver used in industrial applications continues to increase every year due to the growing demand for electronics. China, India, and other nations who are industrializing are putting a huge demand on already stretched silver sector.
A lot of economists think that silver might go to around $100/ounce, and long term predictions by some pros put silver at $500 and even $1,000 per ounce. If you are wanting to retain your wealth during a historic period of inflation, now is the time.
The public is largely kept out in the dark with regards to these silver price predictions. Allot of folks who were called crazy 10 yrs ago for saying to buy silver are actually getting praised for it now. Not long ago, the silver price was around $4.00 and ounce, and it is now hovering around $21.