Declare Your Independence from the FED Money Ponzi Scheme
Now that Obamacare is the Law of the Land, I believe more strongly than ever that if we are going to survive the financial holocaust this law is bringing, owning physical gold and silver is more important than ever.
Despite the numerous new taxes that will be imposed in the coming years, Obamacare is destined to explode the national debt and deficit. How will the government pay for all that debt?
The FED will print more money… that’s how.
And, what happens when the FED prints money?
Watch this video that explains money creation by the Federal Reserve and how it is manufactured out of thin air.
Quite simply, it devalues our dollar. Each of the paper dollars you have in your wallet will purchase less and less. Some might call it inflation.
I call it theft.
It’s stealing the future purchasing power of all Americans and transfers the wealth to the mega-banks, insurance companies, and derivative speculators.
Watch this video to see how inflation works…
If you want to maintain your purchasing power and have any hope of protecting your wealth, you’ve got to get out of paper assets now and go “all-in” with commodities that maintain their value. In other words, gold and silver.
In addition to perhaps buying some coins from your local coin dealer, I’ve been recommending several other ways to get more precious metals.
Whatever you choose to do, I suggest you do it soon because the day may not be too far off where you won’t even be able to buy physical gold and silver any longer.
Silver Eagles
December 14, 2012 @ 2:47 pm
What’s next for Silver? Nobody knows, but Silver remains an important strategic metal valued by industry and investors alike. So now may be a good time to look at your portfolio and consider expanding your Silver holdings.